I am a little stunned that I am still standing after yesterday's mayhem but here I am ready to share a little Five for Friday Holiday fun with you! When you finish reading, hop back to Doodle Bugs Teaching and see the other great ideas teachers shared!
These right here are my new favorite cookies!
No, I did not take the picture because mine get eaten faster than I can gt a picture of them! I did just make a plate and shared them with the cafeteria staff because they are so fabulous about taking care of me and my little people!
They are so stinkin easy to make and a big hit with all who eat them! I used this recipe that came from the Duncan Hine's website. They take about 10 minutes to make and are seriously Awesome!
A friend just made these and let me sample!
Just as tasty! They are Red Velvet Crinkle Cookies and also came from the Duncan Hines website.
I bought us tickets about 6 weeks ago and it was everything we hoped it would be! I saw the very first Star Wars in May of 1977 on the big screen! I was 6 years old and it was the very first movie I saw in the movie theater and honestly I can't remember any other theatre movies. I would guess we didn't see many in the theatre as that was a pretty expensive venture even then. I can still remember driving downtown to Seattle and I can see the inside of the theatre! Crazy since I can hardly remember my children's names!
I am not a crazy Star Wars-fan-junky but I am a crazy junky of fabulous childhood memories and this was absolutely part of my childhood story!
Go see it! In 3D even if it makes you puke and RPX IMAX too!
I can hardly stand this cuteness! I found this great pin and over the last few weeks everyone made a jingle stick! Great fine motor lesson BTW!
So, we made them for the purpose of creating this!
I sent it to parents and they loved it!
This happened this week and it was fabulous!
This is my TT Crew. TT stands for Two Tuesdays. About 7 years ago 4 of us decided to start getting together every other Tuesday for dinner. We text every Monday and pick a restaurant and show up for enough time to catch up and still get home to say prayers and kiss our babies goodnight. We celebrate, we laugh, we cry, we do life together. We have added people and lost a few but we still keep our ties. We always have a Christmas party and we each draw names and promise to give a hand made gift for the person we draw.
The gifts are fabulous and heartfelt and we cherish our time together. This year we added a little fun and exchanged socks in a Chinese Gift Exchange style. We filled the socks with all sorts of goodies and it was great fun!
This right here...
I know I post every so often about backyard fires but I gotta tell ya that I love a good fire! It has been so stinkin hot in SC...like 75 degrees for the last week or two and today's drop in temp was AWESOME! I'll take a brisk 46 degrees in December any day!
Hope you have a marvelous holiday season and stay tuned because I am planning to post a few times during the break!

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