Whew, it's been a long one but if you're reading this it means you made it to Friday! GO YOU!!! Why does the week back after winter break almost seem longer than the first week of school!?! No worries, I'm all snuggled on the coach with a beverage and my fuzzy Star Wars pajama pants on because the bikini weather finally left SC and it's actually cold here! So, without further ado, let's get Five for Friday under way!
Flipped the page to January in my self made planner and this was what hit me in the face! Great way to start the new year! Now if I can just keep it in mind day in and out!
Back on track with regular runs and feeling really good! My speed is increasing (when I least expect it...cuz I suck at pacing myself!) and I even am getting my distance back. I am running the Walk for Life 10K in the morning and am pretty excited about it because it's my first race since surgery! Wish me luck!
My peeps came for a late Christmas celebration! We had good times and my sis & bro-in-law gave us this awesome game! Sequence. My BIL even made it which made it pretty fabulous! Look it up! It is a super fun game!
And yes, that is a hammock hanging in the sun room! The hubs thought that would be cool. Two actually hang in there and the boys both have them in their bedrooms as well!
Shhh, I'm really glad that school is back! I miss my babies when school is out!
These are my after school kiddos.
We missed our Dorothy girl a lot!
This ham bone even read to us his favorite smelly book!
It was a good, good week!
My small punk and I have started reading this together before bed. It's one of my favorites and I have been begging him for a while now to let me read it to him. He finally gave in and he loves it! Its a great book about a 5th grade girl who has been labeled and she simply doesn't like it. It's a great lesson for kids, a great reminder for teachers and a wonderful life story.
Stay tuned next week...or maybe during this coming week for some really fun Sight Word stuff I've been working on with my kiddos. They love it and I think you will too!
Have a great week and relax a little this weekend!
Hop back to Doodle Bugs Teaching to check out other posts.

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