custom navbar

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Tech Tuesday!


I know, I'm a little tardy with the post, but this teacher, yeah, the one who doesn't work during the summer, has been at school all day! :)  But I didn't want to miss out an sharing my latest technological obsession passion with you!  Get a cool drink because this is pretty long!

If you have been following me for 5 minutes than you know that I am really just getting started with all this blogging stuff.  I have been in the blog world for about 6 years but I haven't ever taken it seriously enough and I haven't liked what I had to offer well enough to put it out there but I decided it was time to take the plunge and make it happen.  So, I shared my blog with my ENTIRE school!  Yes mam!  When the chick down the hall is reading, you better keep up with it!  So, as a result I have spent the last 3 weeks (AKA the beginning of summer vacation) sitting at the computer.  It's a good thing though because it's summer and i have time on my side!

I'm telling you all of this because a few friends have asked for help and I have been sending emails to share my journey and links to sites I love!  Why keep that a secret!  Everything you could ever want to know about blogging is a simple Google search away!

These are some of my favorite blogs. Some I like for style ideas and some I get great content ideas from. I usually check them out as often as I can and see what they have that I want, how they ordered things, what link parties etc they are doing. They change a lot . Nothing major but subtle changes that make the site just a little bit better.

There are some amazing blog designers out there who you can pay to design for you but that isn't in my budget just yet so I poured over my favs for design ideas and made a list and googled what I liked. So for instance...the navigation bar at the top that has the icons for Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter etc was created using image mapping. I started by making my header in photoshop but that was incredibly cumbersome for a non PS expert so I switched over to Power Point and I am in love! Here are some great blog posts to help with that!

Once my header was created, I saved it as a PNG and then load it to an image mapping site and mapped links to the different social media outlets. My 15 year old helped with that but it wasn't hard! Check out this site for image mapping help.

There are plenty of great blogs out there that are focused on helping you make a fabulous blog! These are some of my favorites! - this is an amazing blog full of all sorts of free tutorials, backgrounds etc to get you going. I have been using them as a resource FOREVER. - just came across this one. Very easy step by step process for building a blog. - a real live teacher with a wealth of information on the topic! - she has an ebook that she will send you that is really good!

Hope this helps!
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  1. Thanks for sharing! And humbled to be included in your list ;)
    - Leslie

  2. Of course I'd include you! You're one of my favorite teacher bloggers!


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