It's a slow Sunday afternoon for a tardy Five for Friday! Sorry I have been absent for a few weeks but my family is going through a major upheaval and sometimes just waking up each morning is the best you can do. I'm moving forward though and thats a good thing! If you are a prayer...say a prayer for us! We need it! :)
Looking across teacher land it appears that most people celebrated the 100th Day of school sometime this past week! Ours was delayed by 5 days due to the 5 days we had out of school in October because of the 1000 year flood that hit SC. The kids had a blast and so did I!
These are just some of the fun things we did with links to the FREEBIE products that we used!
Many of our AWESOME staff dressed up as well! This is one of our assistants who even passed out mints! :)
And then there was this old of my teaching besties! You can't really tell but she is about 100 weeks pregnant! We have always called her the baby because she is indeed the baby of our team but today we called her Sarah! As in Moses' wife! :) Please notice the tissue tucked in the sleeve of her sweater!
We made these super cute 100 Days Smarter crowns.

They came from this fabulous TPT store!
And all of the kiddos, 3year olds through kindergartners worked on this fun graphing paper!
Another freebie from this site that was new to me.
Of course you can't celebrate the 100th Day without the 100th Day snack!
We used this one because I had the most of these items on hand! :) There are a few other really cute things included with this paper!
And our day ended with a sharing of our 100 things. This was the best method ever! I sent home a one pager that they got last Friday so they had all weekend to collect! They brought their items in a plastic water bottle! That kept everything in one place, projects were small and everyone got to share!
All in all it was an outstanding day!
Like I said earlier, the last few weeks have tried me beyond belief. I'm a Christian and its a good thing because my God has covered me with his grace and mercy and gives me these little gems every once in a while to remind me that I am His Daughter and He's got this!
And as if that wasn't enough, I came home from school Wednesday and this was hanging in a cute gift bag on my front door.
I mean REALLY! I cried. Real. Live. Tears. It can be overwhelming when you have friends this awesome!
I may have mentioned a time or two that I go to a most amazing church. It's one church many campuses...12 to be exact in SC. Seacoast is the name and it's my home away from home. I walked in 5 years ago and never looked back. Once a year we have an outstanding Women's Conference called Chosen. About 1500 women attend and in 24 hours we are renewed, energized, centered and brought to our knees by the power and presence of God! This year was no exception.
We heard from amazing speakers, worshiped like nobodies business and were reminded to be Fearless! We are amazing, strong and courageous creations. Gifts from God to the world. Daughters of the King. It was a message the I really needed to be reminded of. God is so, so good.
This is one my girls from church! We rode together and stayed together and drank wine together and loved some Jesus together!
I went for a pretty speedy run the next morning. It was 42* and I was not prepared to run outside but I needed to put down some miles so ran around the shopping mall across the street. Freezing but felt great!
Another of my church bestie joined us down there and we shared a hotel room with her! Such fun!
We even took a quick minute to run to IOP and say hello to the water!
Can hardly wait for it to happen again!
I am lucky enough to have my youngest punk attend school where i teach. He is also in the mOntessori program and is in his last 80 days of 5th grade! His teacher has this white board outside the classroom door. The kids are in charge of changing the message.
That's good stuff right there!
I'll get back to more school stuff next week but just wanted to share a little of the personal stuff this week!
Have an amazing week!

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