Ya know how sometimes life throws you a curve ball? Things change and sometimes it's good, and sometimes it's bad and sometimes it's a little of both? Well, I am smack dab in the middle of that. So, that is why Five for Friday is a little tardy. But better late than never. Am I right!?!
Every once in a while I get time and I make something that can be added to TpT. I make stuff all the time but if you are a seller on TpT than you know what I'm saying when I tell you that it takes an extra 87 hours to make something fabulous even fabulous-er so that it is TpT ready. Something got in me last week and I went for it!
Click on the cute samples and get you some!
I hate to brag but aren't these the cutest stinkin things ever!?! I love them! It is the first 100 Fry Sight Words! On a super cute reindeer that was a freebie from the fabulous
Click the logo above and you can check her out! She has the cutest stuff and if you click on the pics above you can snag the reindeer sight words before the holiday is over!
Christmas is my favorite time of year and I am one of those girls that starts the celebrating the weekend of Thanksgiving. I thought it was really interesting that so many people actually started decorating the weekend before.
If I may get a little deep, I really thing it is because people are searching for some peace. Searching for a kinder place in the world. Maybe a little love. Maybe some understanding of all that is happening in the world. I feel pretty darned lucky that even though my life is a little chaotic, I found peace a long long time ago and He never gives up on me. Hope you have a little peace this holiday season as well!
P.S. I love twinkly lights almost as much as I love peace! ;)
On Friday, we did this! With 100 preschool and kindergarten kiddos. FULL LENGTH BABEEEE!!!
Hard to see, I know but the young man on the far left is a family friend. He went on my last mission trip with me and he and my big punk are close friends. He is also an AMAZING ballet guy...cuz ballerina doesn't work for me when it comes to guys. So, when he told me they did an educational outreach show I jumped at taking our entire Montessori program. I didn't know until a few days before that it was the FULL VERSION! AN HOUR AND A HALF KINDA FULL VERSION!
My team was a little over me by the time we got there but let me tell you what, our kids were FABULOUS! They loved it and had a great time and will tell people about it forever!
And, as if a field trip to the Nutcracker wasn't enough in one day, we planned it the same day as Montessori Movie Night!
This is an awesome thing we do with our entire Montessori program a few times a year. All kiddos can come. Parents pay $10 and drop off for dinner and a movie. Kiddos bring blankets and pillows and chill out in the cafeteria and we have a blast!
These! Aren't they fabulous!?!
This is part of our stage at church. Our worship leader created these beauties! They are on both sides of our stage and if it weren't church I would absolutely steal them for my front yard but it seems kinda bad to steal from church so I'll just build some myself...next year!
I hope you are busy being merry. Letting some things go. Enjoying the season and all that it means for you and yours!

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