So, I'm writing this on Friday night but it's already super late...8:46pm so the likelihood that I will be able to stay awake and finish it is highly unlikely! I'll give it a go though!
Let's get some Five for Friday underway!
Okay, so I know they are a bunch of Christmas hating heathens but have you tried these?!?!
And for the record...they are selling Christmas Blend coffee and their gift cards are adorned with Christmas trees and snowmen. Um, thank you media for blowing yet another thing WAAAAYYYY out of proportion!
This happened today!
Oh my heck the cuteness of these hats (and this cheek-pinchable little boy) just about did me in! I'm not usually a fan of matchy-crafty-cuty sorts of projects but I might just have to get there because these were too cute for words! We will be wearing them on Monday for a little parent Turkey Day program we are hosting!
In 1977 I saw my very first big screen movie. I was 7 and the movie was Star Wars: A New Hope. Here we are 38 years later, ready to see the 7th movie! I surprised the boys with Star Wars jammies and tickets to the movie! We are all pretty excited and decided that we need to do a movie marathon to refresh our memories about the first 6 movies.
We have been work-sheeting it up for the last 5 days and my kiddos are in heaven over the change up! I love freebies and these are some of the fun things we have done in between Montessori lessons!
This was a great emergent reader for my kinders. Predictable text with words to fill in.
My 4s felt pretty big working on this one.
I've got quite a few kids working on this counting/coloring book.

My 3s and 4s went wild over this book that let them cut, color and glue turkeys!
On Monday we are learning the parts of a turkey! Don't you just love the word snood!?!
Last but not least...I'm making this for my assistant and I to wear to school on Thursday! So stinking excited!
This came from the brilliant Mary Amoson at Sharing Kindergarten
And if this isn't enough...
I have a Thanksgiving Pinterest Board with over 100 fun turkey day lessons, songs, worksheets, snacks, etc!
One of the things I love most about cold weather in South Carolina...
Time by our fire pit. I can sit by a fire forever when its cold outside. The hubs built this fire pit a few years ago for about $100. He stacked 5 layers of those rounded stones...16 stones per layer and vwalah...a fire pit! That has been one of the best projects we have done at this house!
Hop back over to Doodle Bugs Teaching and see what Kasey and the rest of the girls are doing! I'm going out on a date!

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